Apprenticeship thrives with Mentorship
Creating Coding Careers is preparing the next generation of diverse talent for careers in software engineering. Professional mentorship is one of the most valuable resources available to our students.
What we do at Creating Coding Careers?
- We work in under resourced communities to discover and recruit talent across the nation.
- Apprentices spend a year learning along side experienced software engineers working on real world projects for real clients.
- Our team matches grads with companies looking for high performing early career engineers for permanent positions.

Why Mentorship?
- Empower underrepresented groups by giving them the support and encouragement they need to succeed and become great employees, managers, and future leaders
- Improve inclusion – be exposed to people of different roles, cultures, and backgrounds
- Give back and make an impact on other people’s lives
What to expect by becoming a Mentor?
- We ask that you commit to meeting virtually with one mentee for one hour per month for 6 months.
- Mentees are seeking guidance and support in a variety of areas: finding and applying for jobs, enhancing their programming skills, expanding their professional networks, interview prep, overcoming impostor syndrome, and more.
- We hope that you serve as a sounding board and help your mentee shape personal and career goals, champion self learning and celebrate milestones.
Ready to apply? Follow these steps:
Fill out our application form: found here.
Review our onboarding
materials and be matched with a mentee
Meet with your mentee for one hour per month.